Facial Products & Peels

Read our blog to hear what Dr. Taub and her medical staff have to say about the latest medical and cosmetic treatments.

When and Why to Choose Fillers for Your Lips

Over the past 25 years, hyaluronic acid-based fillers have become the most commonly used and effective injectable cosmetic treatment option for reducing facial lines and enhancing soft tissue volume. There is a wide range of fillers available depending on the

Do You Have a Weak Chin?

Cosmetic treatments can be a suitable solution for those with a weak chin. Enhancing the chin also results in a better jawline contour from the front and side angles. Sometimes patients who have a smaller chin over-activate a muscle called

Dr. Taub’s Maintenance & Treatment Over Time

So many people responded to my feature on how I prepared for my son’s wedding that I thought I would let you all know how I have tried to preserve/ improve my skin and body over time. Truthfully, this is

DefenAge® Skincare Research Study Shows Positive Results for Wrinkles, Pores, Pigmentation and Skin Thickness and Evenness

The results of the DefenAge® Skincare Study were published in the April edition of the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology. Three research and clinical sites performed the study of 45 women over 12 weeks. Advanced Dermatology was one of the

What’s The Number One Reason People See A Dermatologist?

Acne, the number one reason people see a dermatologist, occurs in most teenagers and may continue into adulthood. Whiteheads, blackheads, and other acne lesions are due to clogged pores. Bacteria are often involved, leading to redness, inflammation, and the formation

Giving Your Face A Lift With Muscle Stimulation! Fall/Winter Newsletter 2016

There are 4 layers to the skin: epidermis, dermis, fat and muscle. There are all kinds of skin care products and energy based devices that work on the first 3 layers, but few that work on the muscle layer. We

Microdermabrasion, Facials & Chemical Peels, Newsletter Spring/Summer 2015

As the spring and summer months are upon us, many of us are looking for affordable ways to make our skin look vibrant! Chemical peels, microdermabrasion and facials are quick, affordable procedures leaving your skin refreshed with no downtime. These

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Advanced Dermatology is the leading aesthetic and medical dermatology practice in the North Shore servicing Glencoe, Lincolnshire and Chicago.