Bad Acne Can Run in the Family

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, right? If you had bad acne when you were younger, your child will likely also struggle with acne during their teenage years. The key to managing acne is identifying and treating it early. We recommend establishing care with a trusted provider early on, allowing preteens the chance to establish good skin hygiene. As new hormones during the teenage years stimulate oil glands, causing plugging of glands and inflammation, your child will have a trusted skincare routine and will be able to add on additional medications as needed.

We offer a variety of acne treatments for teenagers at Advanced Dermatology, including a broad range of topical and oral prescription medications, hormonal therapy, lasers, and isotretinoin (Accutane). We also offer in-office acne procedures, such as DiamondGlow'” facials, chemical peels, and photodynamic therapy. If a DiamondGlow'” infusion treatment is recommended to help treat your acne by a medical provider at Advanced Dermatology, insurance may cover the treatment. The treatment of teenage acne often combines different modalities. By establishing care early, your child will have a strong relationship with their medical provider, and the treatment plan will evolve as acne develops and the skin changes. Treating acne early on may also prevent scarring and alleviate common self-esteem concerns amongst teenagers.