
As winter approaches, patients with rosacea need to take special care of their skin. The combination of outdoor winds and indoor heating causes the skin to loose a lot of moisture. Patients with rosacea are already prone to dry skin and winter can be a time of increased dryness which may aggravate rosacea. Many patients will need to change their skin care routine to account for the increased dryness. The changes in skin care may include switching to a heavier moisturizer, adding a hyaluronic acid gel such as Neocutis Hyalis to your moisturizing routine or switching to a gentle skin cleanser. Also adding an alpha hydroxy acid moisturizer or cleanser can help to exfoliate dead skin cells on the surface of the skin leaving your skin softer and smoother. If rosacea flares during the winter, adding a cream with green tea polyphenols such as Skinfo Vital Tea Buzz Cream or adding Pyratine-6 Lotion to your current skin care regimen will help reduce redness.