Hair / Vein Removal

Read our blog to hear what Dr. Taub and her medical staff have to say about the latest medical and cosmetic treatments.

Leg Veins and Spring Time- 2013

Spring is coming and we’ll soon see the tulip bulbs we planted last fall blooming abundantly. The preparation, planning and care we take to ensure a more resplendent, beautiful garden is a great analogy for the proactive, patient approach one

Hair Removal

Unwanted hair on the face and body is a complaint of many of our patients. Shaving, waxing, and threading to remove hair is a hassle it can also be painful and requires constant maintenance. A solution to treating unwanted facial

Best Time to Treat Leg Veins

Winter is the time to get started treating your leg veins in time for spring or summer. Most people don’t realize that it takes about 3 treatments to get full clearance and treatments are received at two month intervals as the

Excessive Hair Growth is Common

Excessive hair growth is one of the most common problems many of us face. Given the advances in technology, it is now possible to have permanent hair reduction with laser hair removal. No longer should you have to deal with the

Leg Vein Treatments

As Summer rolls around and we start to break out the shorts, many of us might actually wish for that long-pant weather when we take a look at the veins on our legs. As we get older, it is not

Permanently Reduce Hair with Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is a light based treatment used to permanently reduce hair. Currently we use many different lasers (Prowave and CoolGlide Vantage by Cutera and the Comet and Aurora by Syneron) for hair removal treatments which allow us to safely

Hair Removal, Leg Veins Reduction, Cellulite Reduction, and Body Contouring

Now is the time to start preparing for your spring break trip! Get rid of those ingrown hairs in your bikini line with laser hair removal treatments using Prowave 770™, the newest of our hair removal lasers. Eliminate spider veins

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Advanced Dermatology is the leading aesthetic and medical dermatology practice in the North Shore servicing Glencoe, Lincolnshire and Chicago.