Dr. Taub Writes About Your Skin Post Skin Cancer Treatments

“Skin cancer therapies can affect the skin in different ways. The most common treatment is surgical excision, which typically leaves a scar. Scars vary in appearance, depending on the location and size of the tumor removed. A good dermatologic surgeon will give you the best possible cosmetic outcome and also advise you about after-care.

Silicone is an effective scar treatment. If the skin cancer is on the chest, back or shoulders, which are prone to excessive scar tissue, we often recommend applying silicone gel sheets after the stitches are removed. They protect the scar and help it absorb moisture from surrounding healthy areas, enabling more efficient healing. Silicone sheeting is rarely needed on the face, where wounds heal more easily if you simply keep them moist and covered; antibiotic ointments, Vaseline petroleum jelly, or Aquaphor will work”. READ MORE