Who Makes Time for Self-Care?

Self-care is any activity we do to take care of our mental, emotional, or physical health. It’s buzzing among millennials, but who practices what they preach?

We asked 2,000 Americans to find out.

There’s a lot going on in our day-to-day lives; how does self-care help people get through it? 82 percent said they practice self-care to reduce their stress or anxiety, while others use it to feel more positive and improve their physical and mental health.

Stereotypes say that self-care is geared toward women, but our respondents proved those wrong: Men and women are equally likely to practice self-care and consider it a necessity. They even spend the same amount of time on it every week – 83 minutes on average.

Over half of respondents say that they’ve seen or heard self-care mentioned on social media – and despite its reputation of doing more harm than good, that it has played a positive role in helping people take better care of themselves.

While 50 percent of men say they’ve seen self-care on social media as opposed to 40 percent of women, women are twice as likely to let it influence their practices.

Methodology: Between June 14 and 17, 2019, we surveyed 2,004 Americans about their self-care habits. Respondents’ ages varied between 18 and 87 with an average age of 37. 59 percent of respondents were female, 41 percent were male.
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