Veins: They Take Time, Effort and Patience. But It’s So Worth It!

You have to hand it to the daffodils: though there’s still frost on the ground on these early April mornings, they are still determined to make the world a bit more beautiful. Unlike in cartoons, flowers don’t actually instantly sprout out of the ground…it takes time, effort, patience. But ultimately it’s so worth it!

Dealing with one’s varicose and spider veins are quite similar experiences.
There is no magic eraser in the medical arsenal to wipe those annoying things away instantly. However, with proper diagnosis, a carefully tailored treatment plan and optimal time to allow for the body to heal…ultimately, it’s so worth it!

Allowing optimal time means starting the process as soon as possible. We do this with an initial consultation appointment. I do a thorough medical history and focused exam. I learn about your goals. The information you share with me helps to determine whether an ultrasound examination is warranted: such an exam helps to uncover underlying issues that may lurk beneath the surface of those varicose and spider veins.

If such underlying issues are uncovered, patients are surprised to learn that many treatments may be covered by insurance, including Medicare. However it may take time for us to obtain coverage, which makes it so important to start the process as soon as possible. Initial consultation appointments may be scheduled for Wednesdays between 9am and 8pm.

The state-of-the-art treatments I provide are all performed at our comfortable office here at Advanced Dermatology in Lincolnshire…soon to be double its size after the remodeling! Treatments are comfortable, safe and effective. Treatments include Endovenous Laser Ablation, Clarivein® and Sclerotherapy. You can drive yourself to & from appointments and there is no downtime!
I look forward to seeing those daffodils bloom, but I’m even more excited to meet you and help your legs feel and look better than they have in years!