Hair / Vein Removal

Read our blog to hear what Dr. Taub and her medical staff have to say about the latest medical and cosmetic treatments.

Goodbye Strawberry Legs: Laser Hair Removal Rescue!

“Strawberry Legs” are a common concern that can leave your legs feeling less than fabulous. These small dark spots or dots resembling the seeds on a strawberry can affect our self-confidence when it comes to showing off our beautiful legs.

A Hairy Situation

Grooming, or preening, is essential behavior to many species. From cats to birds to chimpanzees, social animals implement specific grooming behaviors to stay healthy and clean, to bond with other members of their group, or to attract a mate. As

Love Your Legs Again Fall/Winter Newsletter 2016

Autumn is a great time to “fall” in love with
 your legs again! Oy… I know, I know…awful pun…
but it’s true: once it starts getting cooler outside and we transition from “shorts season” to “pants season”, it’s a perfect time

Winter Vein Choices

Whether or not you’re a fan of Game of Thrones, for Chicagolanders the phrase “Winter is coming” sends a cold shiver down our spines. I mean, we don’t have to worry about hordes of zombies breaching a magical ice wall

“Let it go, let it go”, Spring 2014 Newsletter

By the looks of it outside it would seem that a young queen had a panic attack and let loose a spell condemning Chicagolandia to an eternal winter. Yes, I have 2 young daughters and yes…I’ve been watching A LOT

Autumn is Vein Season Fall 2013 Newsletter

As I write this, I’m staring out the window from my desk at Advanced Dermatology in Lincolnshire. It’s a hot day in early August. The passersby, hopefully well-schmeared with sunscreen, hustle  to get back into someplace air-conditioned. The green leaves,

Laser Hair Removal Fall 2013 Newsletter

A permanent solution to treating unwanted facial and body hair is laser hair removal. Laser hair removal yields long-term permanent hair reduction in the treated area which reduces the hassle, pain and maintenance of shaving, waxing or threading. At Advanced

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Advanced Dermatology is the leading aesthetic and medical dermatology practice in the North Shore servicing Glencoe, Lincolnshire and Chicago.