Harnessing the Power of Fraxel®: A Revolutionary Approach to Preventing Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer

As a dermatologist deeply committed to your skin health and well-being, I am constantly exploring innovative treatments that can both educate and benefit you. Today, I am thrilled to share groundbreaking research that highlights the potential of a simple yet effective laser treatment called Fraxel® in preventing nonmelanoma skin cancer. In a study conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital, significant advancements have been made in this area, opening up new avenues for skin cancer prevention.

Nonmelanoma skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, remains a pervasive threat to our skin health. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is estimated that more than three million cases of these skin cancers are diagnosed annually in the United States alone. However, with the advent of Fraxel®, we now have a promising solution that can potentially transform the landscape of skin cancer prevention. Fraxel®, a fractional laser treatment, utilizes a precise technology that targets the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production and revitalizing the skin’s natural repair mechanisms. Traditionally,

Fraxel® has been primarily known for its remarkable ability to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars. However, the recent study published by the Massachusetts General Hospital has shed light on its additional benefits in preventing nonmelanoma skin cancer.

The study examined a large group of individuals with a history of skin cancer. The participants underwent regular Fraxel® treatments over a specific period. Astonishingly, the results showed a substantial decrease in the development of new skin cancer lesions, as well as a decrease in the recurrence of previously treated lesions.

So, how does Fraxel® achieve this remarkable outcome? The laser treatment’s ability to promote collagen remodeling and cellular turnover is believed to play a pivotal role. By stimulating the skin’s natural regenerative processes, Fraxel® helps to repair DNA damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, a primary risk factor for skin cancer.

It is important to note that Fraxel® should not be viewed as a substitute for conventional skin cancer prevention methods, such as diligent sun protection, regular skin screenings, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Rather, Fraxel® serves as a powerful complementary cosmetic treatment that can enhance your overall skin health and reduce the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer.

If you are interested in having Fraxel® as a preventive measure against nonmelanoma skin cancer please call or text our office at 847.459.6400 and schedule a consultation. Please note Fraxel® is not able to be submitted to Insurance.