Skin Rejuvenation with Fraxel re:store™ and Photorejuvenation
Many patients develop redness, brown spots, and textural irregularities in their skin as they age. Photorejuvenation commonly called a “Fotofacial” and Fraxel re:store™ are two treatments commonly used to correct this. The treatments may be done alone but the combination of the two provides superior results. Photorejuvenation is a light based procedure that removes the signs of sun damage including freckles, blood vessels, and superficial wrinkles from the surface of the skin. Fraxel re:store™ Laser treatment is also used to reduce discoloration and wrinkles in skin, but since it penetrates more deeply into the skin than photorejuvenation, it also improves textural irregularities, skin laxity, and pore size. When the two treatments are combined, patients will see an increased improvement not only in brown spots and redness but also in skin laxity and texture achieving an overall “rejuvenated appearance”.