Laser Skin Resurfacing

Read our blog to hear what Dr. Taub and her medical staff have to say about the latest medical and cosmetic treatments.

Perioral Perfection

Achieving perioral rejuvenation, or revitalizing the area around the mouth, is a common goal for individuals seeking a more youthful appearance. Non-surgical options have become increasingly popular for addressing concerns in this delicate region. At Advanced Dermatology, we understand the

Sparkling Eyes for the Holiday Season: Revitalize with CO2RE

As the holiday season approaches, it’s time to treat yourself to a refreshed and youthful appearance. Our eyes are often the focal point of our face, so they deserve a little extra attention. That’s why I’m excited to share with

Harnessing the Power of Fraxel®: A Revolutionary Approach to Preventing Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer

As a dermatologist deeply committed to your skin health and well-being, I am constantly exploring innovative treatments that can both educate and benefit you. Today, I am thrilled to share groundbreaking research that highlights the potential of a simple yet

Neck Treatments at Advanced Dermatology

Treating the neck is challenging because it heals more slowly than the face, due to a lack of glands. The limited elasticity of the skin leads to a greater number of treatments, as each must be gentler than the last.

Top 5 Cosmetic Treatments To Get in the Winter

The winter months are a great time to focus on aesthetic enhancements, particularly those that have downtime or require multiple sessions. Although we offer many treatments all year round, below are the top five treatments worth considering during the long

I have Fitzpatrick Skin Type VI with Hyperpigmentation, What are My Treatment Options?

Hyperpigmentation is a common dermatologic complaint and is more common in those with skin types IV or greater. Hyperpigmentation can be a sequela from acne, trauma, surgeries, rashes, bruises, and more. Although hyperpigmentation is frustrating and bothersome, there are many

My Arms and Hands Give Away My Age. What Can I Do?

Our hands and arms are visible in everything we do in daily life. They often get neglected because we focus our anti-aging efforts on our faces, necks, and chests. Thus, the old saying, “If you really want to know a

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Advanced Dermatology is the leading aesthetic and medical dermatology practice in the North Shore servicing Glencoe, Lincolnshire and Chicago.